
  • Ana Petkovšek Gradbeni inštitut ZRMK, d.d., Ljubljana


Approximately one-third of Slovenia is threatened by landslides. Even though the damage caused by landslides can be very great, they are generally considered the problem of affected local communities or those responsible for threatened buildings or structures. Only rarely do landslides attract the attention of the wider or international public. To a certain extent this is understandable, since whether landslides occur or not depends on many factors which are specific for a given location. This means that the problem has to be dealt with by experts, in a complex manner, and sometimes in several stages. On the other hand, those solutions which may have proved effective at one location cannot be directly transferred to other, landslide-threatened areas. However, on the basis of today’s technical knowledge and experience, it is possible to prepare relatively reliable estimates of landslide threats, carry out effective protective measures, and mitigate the effects of landslides that have occurred. The Stože landslide, which occured in western Slovenia between 15 and 17 November, 2000 in the area above the Mangart mountain pasture, was an exception in terms of cause, size, travel distance, and the severe damage caused to the village of Log pod Mangartom. Because of the enormous debris flow, it attracted the attention of the entire country, opened up new technical questions, and pointed to the presence of some risk factors not previously encountered by experts in the prediction and mitigation of landslides. The materials deposited by the Stože landslide and the debris flow along its path warrant special study, since, due to their specific characteristics, they will strongly influence decisions on how to bring the situation back to normal and reduce the threat to the area affected by the landslide.


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Kulbertanz, G. in sod., 2000. Parameters governing debris – flow initiation, Debris flow hazards mitigation, Balkema Rotterdam, 73–78.

Majes, B., 2001. Plaz pod Mangartom – končno poročilo ekspertne skupine za geotehniko. Ljubljana.

Tognacca, C. in sod., 2000. Threshold criterion for debris flow initiation due to chanel bed failure, Debris flow hazards mitigation, Balkema Rotterdam, 89–97.

Vidrih, R. in Ribičič, M., 1999. Posledice potresa v naravi. Ujma, 107–116.

Zupančič Valant, A., 1995. Reologija suspenzij titanovega dioksida v polimerni raztopini, doktorska disertacija. Univerza v Ljubljani.





Natural and other disasters in Slovenia