
  • Andrej Gosar Ministrstvo za okolje, podnebje in energijo, ARSO, Urad za seizmologijo, Ljubljana


On 26 February 2021 at 6:16am a large rockfall occurred on Rzenik Mountain (1833 m) above the Kamniška Bela valley. This paper describes the seismological observations of this rockfall, which was not triggered by an earthquake, as well as morphometric and other characteristics. In addition, rockfalls in mountain areas frequently caused by strong earthquakes are briefly described. A comparison of aerial images taken before and after the Rzenik rockfall enabled a quantitative assessment of its extent. The break occurred in the west pillar of the north face, and was 200 m high and 100 m wide. The volume of the fallen rocks, deposited on the steep wooded slope across an area of 13 hectares, was estimated to be 625,000 m3 . The rockfall caused ground motion so strong that it was detected by most of the seismographs of the Slovenian seismological network, and also by two seismographs in Austria, at distances of 15 to 126 km. A comparison of the seismic records of this rockfall with a moderate tectonic earthquake of magnitude 1.8 and a large blast in a nearby quarry revealed a variety of different seismic waves and their generation. The 400 m high Rzenik wall is composed of Triassic limestone, and is known as one of the crumbliest in the Slovenian mountains. Geomorphologic analysis of a high resolution digital elevation model showed that large rockfalls have also occurred in this area in its geological history.


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