Chronicle of a Death Foretold: Postmodernism


  • Monica Spiridon


postmodernism, postmodernity, post-structuralism, deconstruction


The main point of our study is that we should now discuss postmodernism in the past tense. In early 21st century “What was postmodernism?” rather than “What is postmodernism?” has become the issue at stake. Evaluated in retrospect, postmodernism resembles a transit vehicle, upon which almost all culture had to take a ride for some time in order to escape Modernity. As a matter of fact, postmodernity covered an area of cultural facts impossible to master by means of a unique reference system. Put in a broader temporal perspective this situation seems even more tricky, leading to conceptual dead ends such as the thorny relationship: modern/postmodern/contemporary. Under the circumstances the genus proximum of so-called “postmodernity” was a particular “axiomatic of the Beyond” which required a radical hermeneutic change in all cultural discourses, whether scientific, religious, artistic or literary.


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