Literatura je mrtva, dolgo naj živi literatura: izziv literarnim teorijam
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literarna veda, literarna teorija, literarni diskurz, literarnostPovzetek
Razprava se dotika problema današnjega literarnega diskurza, ki skuša v pretendiranju na znanstvenost svoj besednjak približati »trdim« znanstvenim disciplinam, medtem ko se te – obratno – z »estetskim obratom« približujejo »mehkim«, domišljijskim področjem umetnosti. Z opozarjanjem na slepo ulico, v katero zlahka zaide takšno nerazločevanje, se zavzema za nezvedljivo – neobhodno in plodno – specifičnost različnih diskurzov.Literatura
Bernheimer, Charles, ur. Comparative Literature in the Age of Multiculturalism. Baltimore in London: The Johns Hopkins UP, 1995.
Bruss, Elisabeth. Beautiful Theories. The Spectacle of Discourse in Contemporary Criticism. Baltimore in London: The Johns Hopkins UP, 1882.
Currie, Mark, ur. Metafiction. London in New York: Longman, 1995.
Dallenbach, Lucien. Le recit speculaire. Essai sur la mise en abyme. Pariz: Seuil, 1977.
Hjort, Mette, ur. Rules and Conventions. Literature, Philosophy, Social Theory. Baltimore in London: The Johns Hopkins UP, 1992.
Hutcheon, Linda. Narcissistic Narrative. The Metafictional Paradox. New York in London: Methuen, 1984.
Kundera, Milan. The Art of the Novel. Prev. Linda Asher. New York: Harper and Row, 1988. [Umetnost romana. Prev. Jaroslav Skrušny. Ljubljana: Slovenska matica, Partizanska knjiga, 1988].
Nemoianu, Virgil. A Theory of the Secondary. Literature, Progress and Reaction. Baltimore in London: The Johns Hopkins UP, 1989.
Pavel, Thomas. G. Fictional Worlds. Cambridge, Mass. in London: Harvard UP, 1986.
Perloff, Marjorie. »Literature in the Expanded Field.« Comparative Literature in the Age of Multiculturalism. Ur. Charles Bernheimer. 1995. 175–187.
Rifaterre, Michael. Semiotics of Poetry. Bloomington: Indiana UP, 1978.
Rorty, Richard. »Heidegger, Kundera and Dickens.« Essays on Heidegger and Others. Philosopical Papers. 2. Cambridge, Mass.: Cambridge UP, 1991. 64–76.
Sokal, Alan. D. »A Physicist Experiments with Cultural Studies.« Lingua Franca. Maj/junij (1996): 62–64.
– – –. Jean Bricmont. Impostures intellectuelles. Pariz: Editions Odile Jacob, 1997.
– – –. »Transgressing the Boundaries. Towards a Transformative Hermeneutics of Quantum Gravity.« Social Text. Pomlad/poletje (1996): 217–252
Wihl, Gary. »Novels as Theories in a Liberal Society.« Constructive Criticism. The Human Sciences in the Age of Theory. Ur. Martin Kreiswith in Thomas Carmichael. Toronto, Bufallo in London: Toronto UP, 1995. 100–113.