Model tekstualnega nadzora: zavajajoče predstavljanje cenzure
Ključne besede:
literatura in cenzura, komunikacija, komunikacijski modeli, tekstna analiza, teorija nadzoraPovzetek
Predstavljena je temeljna teorija tekstualnega nadzora, ki zariše komunikativni model, v katerem se kot spor v jedru vsakršnega cenzuriranja izkaže neko protislovje reprezentacije. Obravnavana so tudi nekatera posebna razmerja med literaturo in tekstualnim nadzorom.Literatura
Baecker, Dirk. »Why Systems?« Theory, Culture & Society 18.1 (2001): 59–74.
Baets, Antoon de. Censorship of Historical Thought. A World Guide, 1945–2000. Westport: Greenwood, 2002.
Butler, Judith. »Ruled Out: Vocabularies of the Censor.« Censorship and Silencing. Practices of Cultural Regulation. Ur. Robert C. Post. Los Angeles: Getty Research Inst., 1998. 247–60.
Foucault, Michel. Surveiller et punir: Naissance de la prison. Pariz: Gallimard, 1975.
Freshwater, Helen. »Towards a Redefinition of Censorship.« Censorship & Cultural Regulation in the Modern Age. Ur. Beate Müller. Amsterdam: Rodopi, 2004. 225–45.
Green, Jonathon. The Encyclopedia of Censorship. New York: Facts on File, 1990.
Kudelina, Oleksandra: »The Master & Margarita and Freedom of Censorship.« Medienobservationen (2008). 1. januar 2008.
Lacan, Jacques. Le séminaire de Jacques Lacan, Livre 3. Les psychoses. Pariz: Seuil, 1981.
Packard, Stephan. »Comics and the Myopic Gaze. Punishments for Unexpected and Effective Texts.« Medienobservationen (2004). 1. januar 2008.
Schauer, Frederick. »The Ontology of Censorship.« Censorship and Silencing. Practices of Cultural Regulation. Ur. Robert C. Post. Los Angeles: Getty Research Inst., 1998. 147–68.
Thomas, Helen. Watchdogs of Democracy? The Waning Washington Press Corps and How It Has Failed the Public. New York: Scribner, 2006.