Mladi bralci in stare zgodbe: priredbe zgodb o kralju Arturju za mlade (in) odrasle


  • Monica Santini

Ključne besede:

mladinska književnost, angleška književnost, romance, legende o kralju Arturju, mladi bralci, priredbe


Kdo je bral zgodbe o Arturju v prejšnjem stoletju in kdo še danes uživa v njih? Eden od možnih odgovorov je: mladi bralci. V prispevku pregledujem odločitve in spremembe, ki so jih vnesli avtorji arturijanskih predelav v 20. stoletju, da bi tradicionalne zgodbe prilagodili sodobnemu mlademu bralstvu.


Adapting the Arthurian Legend for Children: Essays on Arthurian Juvenilia. Ur. in uvod B. T. Lupack. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2004.

The Byrth, Lyf and Actes of King Arthur; of his Noble Knyghtes of the Round Table. Ur. Robert Southey. London: Longman Hurst, Rees, Orme and Brown, 1817.

Cooper, Helen. The English Romance in Time: Transforming Motifs from Geoffrey of Monmouth to the Death of Shakespeare. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2008.

Crossley-Holland, Kevin. Artur: Preroški kamen. Prev. Miriam Drev. Ljubljana: DZS, 2006.

– – –. Artur: Na križpotjih. Prev. Miriam Drev. Ljubljana: DZS, 2007.

– – –. Artur: Kralj Vmesnega sveta. Prev. Miriam Drev. Ljubljana: DZS, 2007.

Curry, Jane L. »Children’s Reading and the Arthurian Tales«. King Arthur Through the Ages, II. Ur. Valerie M. Lagorio in Mildred Lake Day. New York: Garland, 1990. 149–164.

Davis, Alex. Chivalry and Romance in the English Renaissance. Cambridge: Brewer, 2003.

Gaines, B. Sir Thomas Malory: An Anecdotal Bibliography. New York: Ams Press, 1990.

Gardner, Lyn. »Once and Future King«. The Guardian, 10. 9. 2001. Dostopno na: (31. 8. 2010).

Green, R. L. King Arthur and His Knights of the Round Table. London: Puffin Books, 1953.

Guy of Warwick and Other Chapbook Romances: Six Tales from the Popular Literature of Pre-Industrial England. Ur. John Simons. Exeter: University of Exeter Press, 1998.

Finkel, George. Watch Fires to the North. New York: Viking Press, 1968.

Johnston, Arthur. Enchanted Ground: the Study of Medieval Romance in the Eighteenth Century. London: Athlone Press, 1964.

Lanier, Sidney. The Boy’s King Arthur. London: Sampson Low, 1880.

Logan, G. M., in Gordon Teskey. Unfolded Tales: Essays on Renaissance Romance. Ithaca, N. Y.: Cornell University Press, 1989.

Lynch, Andrew. »Le Morte D’Arthur for Children: Malory’s Third Tradition«. Adapting the Arthurian Legend for Children: Essays on Arthurian Juvenilia. Ur. in uvod B. T. Lupack. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2004. 1–49.

Matthews, David. The Making of Middle English, 1765–1910. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1999.

Matthews, John, in R. J. Stewart. Tales of Arthur: Adventure Stories from the Arthurian Legends. Poole, Dorset: Javelin Books, 1988.

Merriman, J. D. The Flower of Kings: Arthurian Legend in England Between 1495 and 1835. Lawrence: University of Kansas Press, 1973.

Morpurgo, Michael. Arthur, High King of Britain. London: Pavilion Books, 1994.

Pyle, Howard. The Story of King Arthur and His Knights. New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1915.

Santini, Monica. The Impetus of Amateur Scholarship: Discussing and Editing Medieval Romances in Late-Eighteenth and Nineteenth-Century Britain. Bern: Peter Lang, 2010.

Simons, John. »Romance in Eighteenth-Century Chapbooks«. From Medieval to Medievalism. Ur. John Simons. Basingstoke: Macmillan, 1992. 122–143.

Springer, Nancy. I Am Mordred. London: Scholastic, 1998.

– – –. I Am Morgan le Fay. London: Scholastic, 2001.

The Story of King Arthur and his Knights of the Round Table. Ur. J. T. Knowles. London: Griffith & Farran, 1862.

Stephens, John, in Robyn McCallum. Retelling Stories, Framing Culture: Traditional Story and Metanarratives in Children’s Literatures. New York: Garland, 1998.

Sutcliff, Rosemary. King Arthur Stories: Three Books in One. London: Red Fox, 1999.

Thompson, R. H. »Twentieth-Century Arthurian Romance«. A Companion to Romance: From Classical to Contemporary. Ur. Corinne Saunders. Oxford: Blackwell, 2004. 454–471.

Treece, Henry. The Eagles Have Flown. London: Allen & Unwin, 1954.

Weisl, Angela Jane. The Persistence of Medievalism: Narrative Adventures in Contemporary Culture. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2003.

White, T. H. The Once and Future King. London: Harper Collins, 1958.

Zimmer Bradley, Marion. The Mists of Avalon. New York: Alfred Knopf, 1982.

