Philosophy and Art


  • Dušan Pirjevec


metaphysics, novel, "being", idea, ontological difference, nonmetaphysical comprehension of "being"


The problem of the relationship between philosophy and art is approached from the points of view of both disciplines. Their common ground is found in the problem of being. The philosophy of the metaphysical age abandononed the being as a simple "exists", found at its beginning, and established being as an absolute idea and an eternal existence. Art, represented by the post-mediaeval European novel, begins by the incarnation of the the being as an idea in its hero, and ends by the inevitable catastrophe in which being and idea are split apart. After the ontological difference is established, at "the end of art" being is revealed as the simple "exists" with which philosophy begins. As soon as philosophy recognizes the ontological function of art and, accordingly, a different, non metaphysical comprehension of being, art is changed, too; the basic metaphysical structure is radically questionned in modern art, and consequently, the constructive principle of the novel undergoes a metamorphosis.




