Župančič and Fiction: His Translation of Oliver Twist


  • Majda Stanovnik


fiction (O. Župančič, Ch. Dickens), translation of fiction


The translation of Dickens’ Oliver Twist, which is the first in the long series of Župančič’s translated novels, opens a general question: how the modern poet introduced realistically oriented European fiction in the period (1911) when the 19th century realism was definitely surpassed by symbolistic prose in the Slovenian literature. Župančič reconstructed an artistically refined and therefore generally approved text in which he successfully recreated the irony, comical effects and other means with which the author’s point of view is emphasized, while on the other hand he condensed neutral passages or transformed them freely into expressive ones. With these and other minor but not meaningless liberties he blurred the realistic features of the original and reinforced the romantic ones, thus completing the historically conditioned transformation of the novel with a strong tendency to social criticism into a pure fictional story.


Walter Allen, The English Novel. 1970.

George H. Ford, Dickens and His Readers. 1955.

Trevor Blount, Dickens: The Early Novels. 1968.

Janko Šlebinger, »Župančičevo literarno delo. Bibliografska skica.« Jubilejni zbornik za petdesetletnico Otona Župančiča, 1928, str. 110–120.

Alfonz Gspan, »Bibliografija Otona Župančiča.« Letopis SAZU, 1950, str. 235–254.

Anton Debeljak, »Oton Župančič – prevajalec.« Jubilejni zbornik za petdesetletnico Otona Župančiča, 1928, str. 99–106.

Josip Vidmar, »Oton Župančič kot prevajalec.« Modra ptica, 1929/30, str. 153–154.

Božidar Borko, »Župančič – vzornik prevajalec.« Tovariš, 1949, str. 419.

Anton Debeljak, »Charles Dickens, Oliver TwistLjubljanski zvon, 1911, str. 665.

Joso Jurkovič, »Oliver TwistOmladina VIII, str. 221–222.

Vinko Zupan, »Oliver TwistSlovan, 1912, str. 61.

L., »Charles Dickens, Oliver TwistDom in svet, 1912, str. 115.

Izidor Cankar, »Obiski.« Leposlovje – eseji – kritika I, 1968.




