Influence and Intertextuality: Detronization or Rhetorization of Influence?


  • Marko Juvan


influence, intertextuality, interpretation, formalism, poststructuralism


A formalist interpretational paradigm has, under the aegis of ergocentrism, undertaken a critical review of some positivist assumptions of literary influence (causality, atomism of extrinsic sources); poststructuralism has gone further by introducing a concept of intertextuality. Not only the causality was thereby deconstructed but also intersubjectivity (e.g. author–author, nation–nation relationships) and the concept of literary work itself. Compared to aspects of influence, the notion of intertextuality replaces unidirectional model of emanation from the work A to B by a dialogical, bidirectional interaction between text and codes without any causal hierarchy, it describes dispositions and procedures of postprocessing of signifying material given. The conceptual framework of intertextuality is in comparative literature capable either of 1) replacing the influence at describing the relationships among the texts (influence thus remains barely a psychological/sociological concept) or of 2) even describing a textualized subject and his tropological reshaping of textual tradition for the sake of making its literary identity.


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