Cultural Identity as Dialogism


  • Jola Škulj


cultural identity, cross-cultural interactions, principle of dialogism (Bakhtin)


The paper argues that the validity of cultural identity cannot be an equivalent to the measure of originality of an inherent national subjectivity in it. Such an understanding of identity concept, quite acceptable in the nineteenth century, is insufficient to the actual views at the end of our century. Cultural identity exists only through its own deconstruction and permanent multiplication of several cultural relations. The identity principle is established through the principle of otherness or – to use Bakhtin’s terminology – through the principle of dialogism. Considered in this way, cultural identity undoubtedly refers to the field of research of cross-cultural interactions and such a concept of cultural identity pre-eminently belongs to the field of comparative literary studies.


BAHTIN 1967: Mihail Bahtin, Problemi poetike Dostojevskog, Beograd 1967.

BAHTIN 1980: Mihail Bahtin, Marksizam i filozofija jezika, Beograd 1980.

BAHTIN 1986: Mihail Bahtin, Speech Genres and Other Late Essays, Austin (Texas) 1986.

DE MAN 1983: Paul de Man, »Dialogue and Dialogism«, v: Poetics Today, 4, 1983, št. 1, str. 99–107.

DESCOMBES 1980: Vincent Deseombes, Modern French Philosophy, Cambridge 1980.

HOLQUIST 1981: Michael Holquist, The Dialogic Imagination, Austin (Texas) 1981.

HOLQUIST 1990: Michael Holquist, Dialogism. Bahtin and His World, London 1990.

LEITCH 1983: Vincent B. Leitch, Deconstructive Criticism, New York 1983.

MORSON 1978: Gary Saul Morson, »The Heresiarch of Meta«, v: PTL. A Journal for Descriptive Poetics and Theory of Literature, 3, 1978, str. 407–427.




