The Ethical Conflict with Christianity in the Poetry of Božo Vodušek
Slovene literature, Slovene poetry, Vodušek, Božo, literature and religion, Christianity, ethics, thematology, literary motifs – biblical motifsAbstract
The discussion is dedicated to the work of Božo Vodušek, who revealed himself in literary criticism as a radical critic of both paradigms of Slovene literature, the cult of a woman and the yearning. Vodušek’s early poetic work evokes the radicalness of mysticism, which does not stem from Cankarian yearning for the undefinable but from the passion as the ardor for God. Even so, this ardor produces unbearable spiritual desire, or appetite, and the attack on meta-physical God. The failure of this attack engenders the exposure of the passion out of the authoritative form of Christian ethics which in turn demands a reestablishment of ethos. From that point on, Vodušek’s poetry is entangled in an ethical conflict with Christianity. This is especially visible in two sonnets, where the poet focusses on the motif of Judas, his betrayal and suicide, and the motif of Christ’s agony in the garden of Gethsemane. In the second sonnet Christ’s God is revealed as God who – without passionate desire – does not exist. Secularization, understood as transposition to the worldly, thus attains the final point in psychologisation of the “object” of this desire.References
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