The Genesis of Intertextuality, Post-Structuralism and the Slovene “Neo-Avant-Garde” Theory


  • Marko Juvan


literary science, semiotics, post-structuralism, intertextuality, Kristeva, Julia, influences, Slovene literary science, Žižek, Slavoj


The article carefully examines the main conceptual-historical contexts, in which J. Kristeva, from 1966 to 1974 developed an intertextual and interdisciplinary notion of intertextuality: socio-critical semiotics and its subversive text theory (the Tel Quel group, R. Barthes), the philosophical deconstruction of the metaphysical grounds of the sign, communication and structure (J. Derrida), post-modernist praxis and the aesthetics of citations, Bakhtinian dialogism and “metalinguistics”, and Saussure’s research on anagrams. Intertextuality originally functioned as a symptom of transitions and divisions between structuralism and post-structuralism, and also between the modem and post-modern periods. It indicated a relational, non-hierarchical, plural and processual image of the world, and was involved in polemically redefining the traditional humanities and literary science. The notion of intertextuality implied a de-centering of meaning and structure, the decomposition of textual boundaries, exchanging the idea of a literary work as a final product for the idea of a limitless production of sense; within it, “a subject in process” and “a general text” of society are only in the making. With intertextuality, Kristeva, confronting the “statics” of structuralism, helped to develop a new, socio-historically based model of the relations between the subject, language and the text, a model which is again worth noting, particularly from the perspective of the new historicism.


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