

  • Vladimir Biti


philosophy, epistemology, structuralism, identity, difference, literary theory


This paper is a critical reconstruction of arguments relating to one of the most topical questions of modern theory from psychoanalytical, deconstructionist, post-structuralist, feminist, post-colonial critiques, and the so-called “queer theory”. The fundamental thesis is that difference is a condition of the non-ability of identity, so its delimitation is at the same time both necessary and impossible. The problem is that we are faced with the creation of a certain identity, as a condition of existence of that which succumbs to identification, to the detriment of another identity from which, although unintentionally, the former removes the right to speech (and therefore existence). The compensation for an appropriated right, for example sexual, as recognized in demands for “the union of women”, necessarily removes some other identity, one, for instance which enables the existence of differences occurring within the same sex, such as differences in skin color, class, sexuality, and so on. It is this that in every achieved identity, be it personal, national, political or cultural, opens up the cave of deprived otherness and keeps the process of identification in constant movement.


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