The Functions of Metaphor in a Literary Work
The starting-point for this article is that metaphor within a work of literature is not merely a stylistic device, but also part of the content. For Aristotle, metaphor, as a lexical element, was linked to mimesis with the creation of a myth or story; from the theory of the transference of words, a conviction developed that metaphor is a “false” word serving only as decoration. The claim that metaphor has a cognitive function began to prevail in the Romantic period, and finally came to prominence in the second third of the 20th century by representatives of so-called “interaction theory”. – Taking into account a theory on the construction of literary work, the author proposes the following typology of metaphorical functions: at the level of content, metaphors have a thematic function (they co-create the theme of a literary work); the textual function defines their role in the internal structure of a literary work; while with stylistic metaphors we can determine their qualities (emotional, rational, decorative, etc.).References
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