Radical Constructivism and Systemic Theory as Theoretical Grounds of Empirical Literary Studies
empirical literary studies, methodology in literary science, literary system, systemic theoryAbstract
Several systematic-empirical approaches have developed in the last two decades, the most penetrating of which are empirical literary studies (ELS), as proposed by Siegfried J. Schmidt et al. The article deals with the wider philosophical and theoretical grounds of ELS, where radical constructivism and systemic theory prove to be of key prominence. The essence of radical constructivism is a cognitive theory with far-reaching consequences. It is based on biological discoveries (Maturana, Varela) on auto-poetic concepts and functionally closed life systems, on neurological-physiological discoveries concerning the structure and function of the nervous system (Roth, Forster) suggesting that the brain as an operatively closed system is able only to construct on cybernetic psychological cognitive models (von Glasersfeld) which describe the construction of the entire cognitive world (concepts of identity, movement, and also time and place), and, finally, on Luhmann’s transference of auto-poetic concepts to a model of social systems. Only an analysis of these starting points can enable a full comprehension of how ELS construct their subject, how they define and explain a literary system and its evolution, and the origin of its aversion towards interpretative and hermeneutic traditions. It appears that empirical literary studies based on such presuppositions do not or should not have much in common with older models of empirical science.References
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