Zola in Ljubljanski zvon (1881–1890)


  • Tone Smolej


French literature, naturalism, Zola, Émile, literary reception, Slovenian-French literary contacts, Slovene literary criticism, Ljubljanski zvon


The author researches the reviews and references made on Emile Zola in Ljubljanski zvon during the years 1881 and 1890, when it was edited by Fran Levec. Whereas the first references are mainly tied to the reception of Zola in Croatia, Fran Celestin in his article “Naše obzorje” (“Our Horizon”; 1883) already quoted several of Zola’s typical thoughts based on the Russian translation of Lettres parisiennes, with the intention of substantiating his rejection of the aesthetics of Romanticism. However, the most important piece of writing was undoubtedly Stritar’s “Pogovori” (“Conversations”; 1885), in which the author even clearly parodied Zola’s style of writing. He was appreciative of the writer's descriptions, but rejected his literary characters, particularly the miners from Germinal; similarly to R. Kaufmann. The author discovers that Stritar's importance lies also in the criticism of the German translations of Zola since he was well aware of their shortcomings. Stritar was a relatively original reviewer; Fran Svetič, on the other hand, who was the first one in Slovenia to write also about Zola’s theoretical essays, merely copied several basic thoughts of his article “Naturalizem” (“Naturalism”; 1888) – as research discovered – from Zolling’s article “´Émile Zola und der Naturalismus” (“Emile Zola and Naturalism”). The early Slovenian reception, therefore, appreciated Zola’s feel for description, but rejected the conception of his characters.


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Marja BORŠNIK, 1951: Fran Celestin. Ljubljana: Državna založba Slovenije.

Fran CELESTIN, 1883: »Naše obzorje.« Ljubljanski zvon 3, 45–52, 113–119, 169–172, 236–243, 320–327, 394–398,454– 457.

Fran CELESTIN, 1887: »Josip Stritar (Boris Miran).« Slovan 4, 87–91.

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Rudolf von GOTTSCHALL, 1885: »Plaudereien über Romandichtung.« Die Gartenlaube. Illustriertes Familienblatt, 383–384, 458–459.

O. HELLER, 1881: »Emil Zola’s Assommoir verdeutscht von Willibald König.« Das Magazin für die Literatur des In- und Auslandes 50, 180–181.

Richard KAUFMANN, 1885: »Die literarische Krise in Frankreich.« Wiener Allgemeine Zeitung, 4. 4., 1–4.

Janko KERSNIK, 1890: »Balade in romance. Napisal A. Aškerc.« Ljubljanski zvon 10, 368–371, 436–442, 636–637, 690–694. Tudi v: Janko Kersnik. Zbrano delo 5. Ljubljana: Državna založba Slovenije, 299–322.

France KOBLAR, 1956: »Opombe.« Josip Stritar. Zbrano delo 7. Ljubljana: Državna založba Slovenije, 421–508.

France KOBLAR, 1960–1971: »Fran Svetič.« Slovenski biografski leksikon III. Ljubljana: Slovenska akademija znanosti in umetnosti, 563–564.

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Josip STARE, 1883: »Hrvaška književnost.« Ljubljanski zvon 3, 540–541.

Josip STRITAR, 1885: »Pogovori.« Ljubljanski zvon 5. 150—159, 220–227, 28 3–292, 362–368, 413–417, 476–483, 548–555. Tudi v: Josip Stritar. Zbrano delo 7. Ljubljana: Državna založba Slovenije, 1956, 12–87.

Josip STRITAR, 1953: »Drobiž.« Zbrano delo 2. Ljubljana: Državna založba Slovenije.

Fran SVETIČ, 1888: »Naturalizem.« Ljubljanski zvon 8, 359–364, 402–411.

Karel ŠTREKELJ, 1884: »Novejši pisatelji ruski. Iván Sergêjevič Turgénev.« Ljubljanski zvon 4, 106–110, 174–179, 237–241, 297–304, 361–367, 491–495, 557–563, 685–689, 749–755.

Jean TRIOMPHE, 1937: »Zola collaborateur du Messager de l’Europe.« Revue de littérature comparée 17, 754–765.

Friedrich Theodor VISCHER, 1851: Ästhetik oder Wissenschaft des Schönen, Leipzig: Carl Macken’s Verlag.

Anton VRATUŠA, 1941: Levec in Ljubljanski zvon. Ljubljana: Zadružna tiskarna.

Eugen ZABEL, 1884: Iwan Turgenjew. Eine literarische Studie. Leipzig: Verlag von Otto Wigand.

Émile ZOLA, 1964: Beznica. Prevedel Ivan Skušek. Ljubljana: Cankarjeva založba.

Émile ZOLA, 1968: »Le roman expérimental.« Œuvres complètes 10. Lausanne: Cercle du livre précieux.

Émile ZOLA, 1968: »Les romanciers naturalistes.« Œuvres complètes 11. Lausanne: Cercle du livre précieux.

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Theophil ZOLLING, 1881: »Emile Zola und der Naturalismus.« Neue Freie Presse, 7. 10., 1–3; 8. 10., 1–3.

Theophil ZOLLING, 1885: »Zola’s neuer Roman.« Die Gegenwart 27, 4. 4., 217–219.




