Literature and Space: Textual, Artistic and Cultural Spaces of Transgressiveness
space, transgressiveness, otherness, textual semiosis, border culture, identity as dialogism, semiosphere, Bakhtin, Mikhail M., Lotman, Yuri M., Peirce, Charles, Fish, Stanley, Ricoeur, Paul, Spivak, Gayatri Chakravorty, Moretti, FrancoAbstract
Regarding literature and culture – both as logic and a structure of responses – a discussion of their semiotic situation can be grasped through holistic views of dialogism. The idea of transgressiveness is employed (and detailed on grounds of textual ongoing semiosis and cultural semiosphere) to approach spatial realities as reference frames of any literature and culture, hence their inevitable hybridity, asymmetries, irreducible particularities and diversities.References
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