The Tree and the Vine: A Fable About the Relation Between Poetry and Theory


  • Boris A. Novak


literature – tree, literary theory – vine, poetry – poiesis, poetics, Paul Valéry


This paper is divided into three sections. In the first the author uses a fable from the Enlightenment period that personifies literature as a tree and theory as a vine growing around the tree. The second section is dedicated to Paul Valéry, who has revived the ancient Greek meaning of poetry and poetics. In the third section the author reveals his “amphibian” experience as a poet and professor.


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Valéry, Paul. Œuvres I. Ur. Jean Hytier. Pariz: Gallimard, 1957. (Bibliothèque de la Pléiade).

Valéry, Paul. Œuvres II. Ur. Jean Hytier. Pariz: Gallimard, 1960. (Bibliothèque de la Pléiade).

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