Schlegel’s “Dialogue on Poetry” and Plato’s “Symposium”


  • Vid Snoj


Friedrich Schlegel, Plato, theory, dialogue, poetry, new mythology, allegory, the Beautiful, the unshowable, the Absolute


In his reflection on poetry, Friedrich Schlegel, the founder of early German Romanticism, used philosophical ideas and concepts from the very beginning. On the other hand, for the purpose of reflecting on poetry, in the literary periodical Athenäum he soon introduced the literature-like genre of the fragment instead of the usual form of the treatise. His essay “Dialogue on Poetry” (1800), however, is written in the form of a dialogue whose entire staging – that is, speeches on certain themes followed by discussions about them among a selected group of persons – is reminiscent of Plato’s “Symposium” (ca. 380 BC). Yet Plato’s Symposium is a talk on the Beautiful, whereas Schlegel’s “Dialogue” is a symposium on poetry. This is also where a significant difference lies between the two dialogues from the point of view of intellectual history.


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