The Interaction Between Literature and Theory from Romanticism to the Fin de Siècle with Sketches of Continued Interaction at the End of the Millennium
theory and literature, romanticism, fin de siècle, end of metaphysics, New HistoricismAbstract
In the period between Romanticism and the fin de siècle, as a result of the self-conception of the subject and the consciousness of time (historical vs. modern), theory and literature became much more interwoven. This interweaving is shown in the article on the basis of examples from Friedrich Schlegel (“Gespräch über die Poesie”) and E. T. A. Hoffmann, as well as through examples from Charles Baudelaire and Friedrich Nietzsche’s “end of metaphysics”, which, with the subjectification of discourse, enabled interaction between theory and literature, and led to the relativistic methodological principles of New Historicism.References
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