On Autobiography from the Viewpoint of Modern Genre Theory and Systems Theory


  • Andrej Leben


literary genres, autobiography, autobiographical literature


This article thematizes the character of the genre of autobiography against a background of traditional views on literary studies, and deconstructivist, post-structuralist, and culturological models characterized by the doubt about genre definitions. Attempts to place autobiography in the model of supra-genres, types, and genres are problematic because it is impossible to place autobiography in this model in its entirety, and this even breaks autobiography apart because it unites the aesthetic and pragmatic, the literary and non-literary, and fiction and non-fiction, and it manifests itself in the most diverse forms and contexts. More appropriate seems to be the discursive, anti-essentialist, and non-theological understanding of genres, which also enables a different understanding of autobiography and poses questions about its literary character, aesthetics, or normativeness within social discourse. Because genres depend on national culture, conventions, and communicational interactions, and involve variable constructs, it is worth speaking of the autobiography as a genre even in the relative sense, as well as the functionalist and discursive sense. With regard to the fact that genre systems opened up and international academic interest directed its attention to interdisciplinary research on the autobiography, to its linguistic features, its individual, social, and cultural implications and functions, issues of memory and remembering, mentality, imagology, and so on, and that cognitive interest shifted to areas where literary and aesthetic questions are no longer at the forefront, the discussion of the autobiography logically offers itself from the viewpoint of the systems-the ory analysis of literature and empirical literary discipline, which provides the means for a more accurate analysis of the autobiography. Because of its potential for interdisciplinary research, the autobiography could even play an important role in current efforts to reform literary studies in dialogue with social studies, history, cultural studies, semiotics, and other disciplines.


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