Post-Colonial Dialogues


  • Katja Zakrajšek


post-colonial studies, hybridity, dialogism, creolization, magical realism


An important line of reflection and exploration in post-colonial studies deals with intercultural dynamics in the contemporary, post-colonial world, which is marked by power relations (economic, political, cultural) between the “West” and various regions of the “Third World”. The paper presents some key theoretical perspectives on phenomena and identities (mostly, but not exclusively, literary) emerging in so-called post-colonial spaces, which can be characterized as hybrid or dialogic. These perspectives open up a plural, decentered space where non-western cultural experience can be described, a space no longer determined by European categories disguised as universal; for while the meeting with European “modernity” has vitally influenced non-western experience – beginning with the colonial rupture of history – its results are irreducible to this “modernity”. The paper concentrates, therefore, on possible ways of approaching the cultural Other, the dynamics among cultural codes (literature being among the privileged sites of these dynamics), and the production of identities in a given historical situation.


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