The Historical Novel Between National Identity, Ideologies, and “Historical Genres”
literature and history, Slovene literature, historical novel, Central Europe, national identity, Pahor, Boris, Rebula, AlojzAbstract
Author’s comparative analysis deals with two literary images of the 20th-century Slovenian history (two historical novels of the resistance: Alojz Rebula’s novel Nokturno za Primorsko, and Boris Pahor’s novel Zatemnitev). Both novels treat some key subjects of the relationship between literature and historiography: universal contexts of the European and World history, national historical context, position of the resistance, autobiographical features, ideological interpretations of the Slovenian history, as well as the contemporary political perspectives. Both novels reveal how myths, speculations, and apparently illogical connections, which have »no right to exist« inside the frames of scientific historiography, may serve perfectly well as an aesthetic means of thematising the complexity of history.References
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