The Mystery of Purity in Pastorala by Vlado Žabot


  • Vesna Mojsova Čepiševska


Slovene literature, Slovene novel, Žabot, Vlado, Pastorala, aesthetics of the ugly


This text in fact deals with the duality (the attraction and repulsion) of the phenomenon of the impure/grotesque/disgusting in Vlado Žabot’s novel Pastorala. The obsession for purity, that dark enigma, very often goes hand in hand with the desire for order, as stated in the book Sanitarna enigma by Jasna Koteska. In J. Kristeva’s essay, impurity is one of the four agents (together with taboo, food and sin) through which the category which she identifies as abject appears. This text has to do with that category that the reader experiences through the character of Nina in Žabot’s novel. The battle that this character fights starts out as a battle against disorder and impurity, namely in the home which should be a symbol of order and cleanliness/purity, and it grows into a battle against the unethical and uncivilized.


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