Communist and Democratic Censorship in Slovenia: The Case of Pupilija papa Pupilo pa Pupilčki


  • Gašper Troha


literature and censorship, Slovenian theatre, Slovenian drama, theatre performances, reconstruction, Jovanović, Dušan, Hrvatin, Emil


Recent lawsuits against writers (cf. Pikalo and Smolnikar) have not only raised the issue of relations between literature and reality, but also have illustrated an interesting transformation in censorship practices in Slovenia after the fall of communism. Under communism the authorities usually suppressed literary texts or theatre performances, a practice that enabled the artists to continue with their work while bringing them a considerable increase in popularity. The article analyses the case of the show Pupilija papa Pupilo pa Pupilčki, which stirred up significant controversy both in 1969 and in 2006, when it was restaged/reconstructed. Differences in reactions to this show demonstrate changes in formal and informal control over cultural events.


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