The Modern (Die Moderne) and Modernism


  • Jola Škulj


literary history, terminology, die Moderne, modernism, modernity, aesthetic modernity (Baudelaire), bourgeois modernity (Calinescu)


The article considers the issues of die Moderne in Berlin and Vienna cultural breakthrough in the last two decades of the 19th century and puts forward the key arguments that die Moderne and modernism are different events inscribing in themselves quite dissimilar sense of modernity. Since in a number of critical historical approaches (Bradbury and McFarlane, Le Ridder and largely by literary critics from Middle and South-East Europe) the ideas of the moderns and modernists are still discussed without necessary precision, often also as interchangeable labels, the paper aims to identify the intricate and hybrid aspects of their modernity and the basic differences in their distinct understanding of truth and the real. The paper presents one of the three conceptual delineations (modernity and modernism, die Moderne and modernism, modernism and the avant-gardes) essential to a proper comprehension of the period code of modernism. Referring to the outcomes of her previous research delineating the issues of modernity and modernism and of her former discussions of modernist features in views of Husserl’s comments on crisis of consciousness, the author examines the event of die Moderne in Berlin and Vienna cultural situation as well as the documents, such as the literary credo proposed in Woolf’s programmatic lecture and in the published version of his ten theses. Scanning and assessing it, the end result manifests how the scheme of Berlin and Vienna moderns still retains the bourgeois sense of modernity, inscribing in itself the idea of progress as a social and political project, and how thus their breakthrough in literature dos not yet realize the move into the Baudelairean aesthetic understanding of modernity.


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