Central Europe in the Discourse of Literary Scholarship
comparative literary studies, Mitteleuropa, Middle-European literatures, multiculturalism, multi-ethnicityAbstract
This paper studies different conceptions of Central Europe in the literary and historical discourse of the 20th century. Central Europe is defined in the works of Havel, Kundera, Konrád and others. Central Europe has always been a cultural and geographical crossroads between the East and the West, with shifting centres and peripheries, overlapping ethnic groups, cultures and religions. For simplicity, two conceptions of Central Europe can be distinguished: minimalist and maximalist. The minimalist conception regards Central Europe as part of the West, because of analogous historical structures and cultural values. It partly overlaps the original Habsburg Empire and is opposed to the Balkans and Russia. The maximalist conception applies an axiological approach, regarding Central Europe as a set of historically established ideas, connected with the traditions of Christian civilisation, i.e. it includes the eastern and southern corners of Europe as well. Central Europe then is geographically identified with the symbolism of the Danube, as both a dividing and unifying feature. According to Kundera, it is the Jewish people who have made the greatest contribution to the multicultural character of Central Europe, which after 1945 was politically aligned with the East, although historically it had been part of the West. The paper also deals with the methodological achievement of the three-volume project of History of the Literary Cultures of the East-Central Europe: Junctures and Disjunctures in the 19th and 20th Centuries (2004–2007), edited by Cornis-Pope and J. Neubauer, who favoured culturological-sociological approach, which enabled them to describe the intercultural dialogue of individual literatures. They conceive the Central European area as a cultural and geopolitical entity, which was, due to forcibly propagated hegemonistic ideologies (such as Fascism, Communism, elements of Islam, etc.), heterogeneous, as for ethnicity, language, religion, politics and administration.References
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