New Approaches, Old Errors: A Comparative History of Literatures in European Languages


  • Tomo Virk


comparative literature, European literatures, literary history, Romanticism, Europocentricity


The article begins with a critical presentation of the last volume in the series A Comparative History of Literatures in European Languages (CHLEL), titled Romantic Prose Fiction, which was published as the fifth and final volume of the sub-series Romanticism. Both its strengths and weaknesses are examined. These weaknesses are mainly perceived in characteristics that turn out to be more or less constant throughout the entire CHLEL series. Attention is drawn to flaws that represent a departure from the original plan of the series at the conceptual level, which, in the words of Henry H. H. Remak, should strive for “truly international syntheses”. Although modern epistemologies have cast doubts on the Great Stories, including the comprehensive narration of literary history, they have not succeeded in demonstrating that such narration is superfluous. This article advocates the stance that within the modern pluralism of methods and approaches there is still an important place for comprehensive, synthetic narration of literary history as a benchmark from which all other studies proceed, including critical studies, of course. It advocates the position that the CHLEL series in particular should continue to develop such literary history. At the same time, it demonstrates that the international comparatists heading the CHLEL project are still (ideologically) burdened by westerncentrism, which significantly impedes the success of the series. The article offers some suggestions on how this situation can be improved.


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