The Author and Artistic Creativity


  • Jüri Talvet


literary theory, semiotics, Lotman, Yuri Mikhailovich, author, authorship, artistic creativity, Kreutzwald, Friedrich Reinhold, Liiv, Juhan


The postmodern turn in cultural studies, from the 1960s onward, has ever tried to subvert the authority of “modern” tradition, as a supposed construct of Renaissance humanists. Instead, it has tried to establish its own authority in which the interpreter (re-reader, re-conceptualizer) as well as (linguistic) anonymity and (cultural) plurality of creation has a dominant role. – However, by the end of the first decade of the 21st century, postmodern thinking, despite its initial novelty, seems to have come to a standstill, in the sense that in its discourses a strong tendency to tautology is revealed, while the object of its oppositional discourse has undergone a regrettable simplification. The question about the author is no exception in this sense.


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