Kosovel and Kramberger: Between the Avant-Garde and Contemporary Slovenian Political Poetry
literature and politics, Slovene poetry, Kosovel, Srečko, Kramberger, Taja, literary avant-garde, political poetry, social engagementAbstract
This essay looks at the political truth of the poetry of two Slovenian poets, Srečko Kosovel and Taja Kramberger. It proceeds from the concepts of the politics of literature and literary tendencies elaborated by Jacques Rancière, Walter Benjamin, and in part Srečko Kosovel himself, signifying the difference between “literature as political propaganda” and “literature that acts politically by being literature”. Kosovel wrote in both ways, but in order to understand the political truth of his poetry his avant-garde “konses” are more important. The structural model he worked out in them is also applied to the most recent poetry by Taja Kramberger, demonstrating its aesthetic and structural political appropriateness.References
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