Zorin Visiting Julie: Josip Stritar and Rousseau


  • Tone Smolej


Slovenian literature, French literature, epistolary novel, Stritar, Josip, Rousseau, Jean-Jacques, literary influences


This article first discusses Josip Stritar’s literary tourism because in 1861 this Slovenian writer traveled to Montmorency, where Julie, or the New Héloïse was being created. In 1870, he wrote the novel Zorin, which is also modelled on a novel by Rousseau’s. The author establishes that what both novels have in common is the father’s letter, in which he rejects his daughter’s lover, the heroine’s feverish delusions, suicidal thoughts, the report of the heroine dying, and her farewell letter, which predicts that the lovers will meet again soon in the afterworld. In later years, Stritar took a more critical stance towards Rousseau because he doubted his hypothesis that man is born good, and he did not follow Rousseau’s model in writing his memoirs.


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