A Critical Paradigm of the Intercultural Existence of Literature


  • Jola Škulj


literary history, cultural reality, the incommensurables of the singulars (Samuel Weber), asymmetries in literary development, literary methodology, border gnosis (Walter Mignolo), otherness, exception (Kierkegaard)


The propositions of the new critical paradigm of the intercultural existence of literature seek to analytically understand the actuality of cultural spaces and to hermeneutically decipher literary phenomena and their historical reality in the complexity of semiotic traces, in real individualities of formal and textual deposits, and in complex connections of poetological influences. The literary facts seen in such intricate networks of mutual intertextual phenomenology and re-accentuations attest to their permanent character of mobility, evident instability, and constant inventive reformulation of verbal and literary matrices, which means that the identity of texts is also necessarily re-interpreted though the new dissemination of literature. For this very reason, in this critical paradigm of the intercultural existence of literature, the concept of literary or cultural transfer has become topical. For the sake of methodological clarity, in the further research focusing on the “Slovenian” version of world literature it is appropriate to preliminarily critically confront it with a selection of certain reinterpreted conceptions of comparative literature studies (Spivak, Moretti, Casanova, Weber, Saussy), and especially those perspectives that have derived new critical content from Even-Zohar’s polysystem theory, Lotman’s semiotics of culture, Mignolo’s border gnosis, or Bhabha’s concept of hybridity.


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