Cultural Circulation and the Book: Literature, Knowledge, Space, and Economy (An Introduction)


  • Marko Juvan


book history, libraries, world literature, cultural space, cultural circulation


The book as a cultural object of special value co-determines literariness through the linguistic structure of the texts it transmits and the bibliographic codes specific to it as a medium. The book influences the social circulation of discourse and its genre differentiation and systematization. The conceptual and spatial structure of knowledge is materialized in the library (book repository or book series). Libraries are meeting places and crossroads of “bibliomigrancy” (Mani) of works having various geographical and historical origins as well as the places that allow us to establish cognitive and creative interferences between cultural spaces inscribed in the library holdings. Books evoke a variety of imaginary spatial models, including the global, while their own spaces are also physical and meaningful. From its beginnings up to the present expansion of digital textuality, the medium of the book appears in the context of economies, which set the direction and breadth of the spatial reach of the messages it transmits and encodes. Book history is therefore a field that lies within the interest of comparative literature.


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