Nonhuman Intervals: Filippo Tommaso Marinetti’s Radio Syntheses


  • Federico Luisetti


aesthetics, art and technology, Marinetti, Filippo Tommaso, Bergson, Henri, Deleuze, Gilles, radio performativity, the art of intervals, technological vitalism


In his 1933 sintesi radiofoniche (radio syntheses) Filippo Tommaso Marinetti explores the conceptual and sensorial density of wireless communication, alternating sounds, noises and silences through a complex use of interruptions and intervals. This essay analyses the theoretical implications of these unprecedented in-betweens in the context of the debates on infra-representational artistic methods taking place at the beginning of the twentieth century. The technologisation of aesthetic production advocated by Marinetti is then framed within the landscape of a post-Bergsonian vitalist epistemology, in opposition to Gilles Deleuze’s transcendental interpretation of the avant-garde practices of interruption.


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