Space, Spatiality, Spatialization: Literary Studies After the Spatial Turn and the Spatial Logic of (Historical) Narratives


  • Jola Škulj


literary theory, cultural geography, geocriticism, space, spatiality, spatial turn, spatialization


Although the spatial turn in literary studies was addressed as early as at the 1988 ICLA/AILC congress in Munich, its impact in literary and cultural studies increased only after the publication of Edward W. Soja’s Postmodern Geographies (1989), the key defense of theory’s “spatial turn”, and Bertrand Westphal’s geocritical research at the University of Limoges, particularly his geocritical manifest, “Pour une approche géocritique des textes” (2005). A shift in the structural dominant of knowledge on literature assists geocritical studies and cultural geography by construing spatial models of literary phenomena by using new information technology. Through digital representations of geographical features of literature, the geocritical ideal of multifocal presentation can be realized, examining a variety of topics. Dimensions of literary complexity can be grasped and a constellation describing the spatial relation of events or contexts of literature can be conveyed, as Walter Benjamin’s criticism of linear, causal notions of history has anticipated. – The article discusses the concepts of space, spatiality, and spatialization to clarify how to understand Soja’s central argument concerning spatial thinking, or what has been called the geographical or spatial imagination. His alternative approach, as discussed in Thirdspace (1996), comprehending both the material and mental dimensions of spatiality, can be very useful in the current project of the Institute of Slovenian Literature and Literary Studies, “Space of Slovenian Literary Culture: Literary History and the GIS-Based Spatial Analysis”.


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Thematic section