Valentin Vodnik, France Prešeren, and the Emergence of Memorial Landmarks of Slovenian Literary Culture
literature and space, Slovenian literature, Slovenian culture, cultural memory, national identity, “cultural saints”, Prešeren, France, Vodnik, Valentin, monumentsAbstract
Recent research on the network of memorial landmarks of Slovenian literary culture has proven that today this network powerfully marks the cultural landscape of Slovenian territory. In the broader context of European cultural nationalism, the gradual formation of such networks can be understood as a semiotic appropriation of (national) space connected with the canonization of a handful of prominent “cultural saints” and numerous men of letters of lesser stature. In Slovenian territory, the formation of the network began in the middle of the nineteenth century. It was closely connected to the two key figures of Slovenian poetry from the early nineteenth century: Valentin Vodnik (1758–1819) and France Prešeren (1800–1849). This article treats their canonization and especially the installation of their statues into the public space of Ljubljana, the capital of the Habsburg province of Carniola, in 1889 and 1905. Towards the end of the nineteenth century, monuments became an important symbolic battlefield for the Slovenian national movement, which was striving for greater cultural and political autonomy. In the broader picture, Ljubljana turns out to be a paradigmatic example of how the actual battle for the semiotic nationalization of the city was fought through the occupation of public space by statues of “great men of literature”. Through this logic, the Carniolan capital would finally become a spiritual metropolis of “Slovenedom”, densely populated with appropriate symbols.References
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