Landscape in Terms of the Rhetorical Figures Used in Literature About Slovenian Istria


  • Mimi Urbanc


literature and geography, landscape, rhetorical figures, Slovenian literature, Istria


The article focuses on geographical conceptualizations of landscapes produced by rhetorical figures in literary texts about Slovenian Istria, the only genuine Mediterranean landscape in Slovenia. It is based on the premise that figurative language is a mechanism that contributes to the cognitive and representational processes that take place in the literary and non-literary contexts, and is thus also suitable for studying the perception and formation of one’s relationship to the landscape. Integrating the concept of the spatial turn into the analysis, the article identifies the elements of the semantic field of “landscape” (land, valley, stone, olive tree, house, forest, and landscape as a whole are most frequent) that appear in the rhetorical figures and the way they are mirrored in perception and representations (pain, mystery, life energy, beauty, life, longing, and attachment). The empirical part (the quantitative and qualitative analyses of rhetorical figures) is carried out using ATLAS.ti software, which is an important interpretative analysis tool. The most general finding is that a landscape and its elements are perceived and represented in a twofold manner, the prevailing positive conceptualizations and perceptions being accompanied by negative ones as well. At the same time, the article suggests that various kinds of literary works can be objects of geographical research as well as sources of geographical knowledge.


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