The Turn After the Spatial Turn: The Artistic Research Perspective
humanities, spatial turn, theory of discourse, semiotics, Peirce, Charles Sanders, Bakhtin, Mikhail, Foucault, Michel, new media, narrativization, virtual space, networksAbstract
This article addresses the consequences of the methodological approach of the “spatial turn”, whose “object” of research is the dispersion of atomic elements on a discursive surface. The theory of discourse developed by Mikhail Bakhtin and Michel Foucault is one of the centers of this methodological field. The research focused on spatial relations – in real spaces and in the spatialization of conceptual dispersions – brought about important insights; however, upon a closer look its limitations appear as well. Using the semiotics of Charles S. Peirce, the article asks whether the research on space and spatiality is a key to solving the diverse questions in the humanities and social sciences, or is the next “turn” already in view. In the second part, the article presents a model of artistic research on the problem of spatiality in the context of the changes brought about by the development of electronic and digital information technologies.References
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