Border Transitions: Homi K. Bhabha and the Theoretical Positioning of His Conceptions
literary theory, Bhabha, Homi K., postcolonial studies, littérature mineure, border regions, cultural identity, cultural hybridity, “Third space”, translationAbstract
After a brief presentation of the biography of Homi K. Bhabha—who, along with Edward Said, Gayatra C. Spivak, and Stuart Hall, is regarded as one of the most influential representatives of postcolonial studies – this article examines his key concepts, such as “cultural hybridity”, “the Third Space”, and “translation”. These poststructurally inspired concepts, which are closely interconnected, arise from the awareness of the necessity of exceeding hierarchical and binary oppositions, as well as of establishment of a subversive project that does not allow the reduction of differences to a single alternative between Same and Other. The author attempts to illustrate Bhabha’s concepts by primarily referring to treatises and texts related to littérature mineure (Deleuze and Guattari), and to literature in border regions because it is placed at the crossroads of cultures, both present and past ones. In this context, texts by writers and poets (Jani Oswald, Marko Sosič, and Josip Osti) that are regarded as Slovenian or almost Slovenian authors, are briefly mentioned or described as a challenge for research work, although they fluctuate, transmit, or translate among diverse collective interpellations, as well as cultural and linguistic codes. The article concludes with the assumption that there is probably not a thinker among postcolonial theorists who could direct his analytical energy in so promising and insightful a way as Bhabha, and probably above all towards the discovery of difficult-to-understand areas at the liminal point of human existence in order to encompass interpersonal positions of “in-betweenness” and “boundary” through them, as well as diverse figures of hybridized, split, and displaced identities.References
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