The Moving Words-Images: E-Literary Text in the Age of the Film, Video and Internet


  • Janez Strehovec


literature and new media, electronic literature, video, internet, interface, culture of reading


This paper aims to explore the electronic animated literature and its attitude towards media art, the Internet culture, and the film. E-literary text shaped by the (new) media belongs to algorithmic culture; however, the mention of film is not such a great departure from e-literature. Electronic textual practice is by no means placed in an area alien to film and the cinematic mode of organization of textual units, which over a decade ago the author of this paper had already named word-image-movement, i.e. the verbal and visual signifier-in-motion. What is crucial here is that the moment when text enters a moving mode it begins to behave like a film, i.e. a film of verbal contents, presenting a challenge to theory, which in turn abandons the field of literary specificity (e.g. literariness as we know it) and begins to direct itself towards effects concerning the cinematic organization of textual contents. Along with the film paradigm also the key features of the Internet culture and the medium of video are deployed to clarify the specificity of novel generation of electronic literature.


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