Vilém Flusser’s Theory of the Technical Image


  • Aleš Vaupotič


literature and new media, digital art, visual perception, technical image, Flusser, Wilém


The ideas of Vilém Flusser, his notion of techno-imagination in particular, are tools that facilitate the description of and reflection on the changes which follow from the technological advances in the field of information technologies. The relationships between the historical narrative paradigm – most elaborately realized in the literary communication – and the new world of techno-codes as presented in Flusser’s works are scrutinized. The moving pictures, in particular when they are set in motion by the digital information technologies, stand in the centre of Flusser’s semiotic exploration of the changes in communication models in the middle of the 20th century. To facilitate their understanding Flusser developed the key concept, technical image, which is at the same time an image, but also unlike the traditional images.


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Thematic section