Translating Racist Discourse About Black People into Slovenian
American literature, translation, Slovenian translations, Blacks, dark-skinned, racism, Beecher-Stowe, Harriet, Twain, Mark, Mitchell, Margaret, Steinbeck, JohnAbstract
This article deals with the issue of how racist discourse about black people has been translated into Slovenian. While the research focused on the novels Uncle Tom’s Cabin, The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, Gone with the Wind and Of Mice and Men, which were translated into Slovenian several times, other relevant works were also examined; 35 translations were analysed altogether. Both the strategy for translating explicitly racist discourse and the strategy for translating terms used for denoting black people were analysed. In all analysed pre-World War II translations, originally pejorative terms for black people were fully neutralised, and this practice has largely continued in post-War translations; even in cases when preserving the original negative connotation of a certain term would have been crucial for preserving the effect of the source text. The translation strategy for a particular literary work was mainly dependent on the target readership: in translations of children’s literature racist terms were neutralised more thoroughly than in translations of literature for adults. In comparison to other translations, both explicitly racist discourse and racist terms were most frequently preserved in translations of works by black writers. Negative remarks and stereotypes about black people were also fully preserved in all analysed pre-World War II translations, when racist views were still quite acceptable in Slovenian society, while post-War strategies were again more diverse; explicitly racist discourse was sometimes censored in translations of children’s literature, whereas in translations of literature for adults it was preserved – with some exceptions. It can thus be concluded that many works entered the Slovenian literary system in a less racist form, but while in pre-World War II translations only racist terminology was neutralised, in post-War translations explicitly racist discourse was also often perceived as problematic and therefore censored.References
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