The Reception of Slovenian Translations of Edgar Allan Poe’s Short Stories in the 19th and 20th Centuries


  • Simon Zupan


American literature, short prose, Poe, Edgar Allan, translation, Slovenian translations, literary reception, Udovič, Jože, Bartol, Vladimir


The article follows the course of translations of Edgar Allan Poe’s short stories in Slovenia. It is chronologically divided into three periods, separated from each other by the two world wars. The first period began with the Slovenian translation of “The Black Cat” in 1872. Even though subsequent translations were sporadic and restricted to newspapers and popular magazines, at least thirteen stories appeared in Slovenian before WWI. Over the same period, no scholarly articles about Poe were published; instead, Poe’s name was mentioned only in passing in articles about culture for general readers. The situation changed in the period between the world wars. New translations and retranslations of Poe’s shorts stories became more common and their quality improved. Unlike before, when most were probably translated into Slovenian via a third language, new translations were based on the original English versions. The emphasis was on Poe’s horror stories. At the same time, the first book editions of Poe in Slovenian appeared. In addition, literary-critical articles about Poe and his prose became common. Most of them were written for the general reader; however, they also included a few scholarly articles. The most influential one was the work of a well-known Slovenian prose writer Vladimir Bartol, who held Poe’s prose in high esteem and in particular emphasized his unique style and modernity. Bartol’s article later had an influence on the reception of Poe in Slovenia in general. After the Second World War, Poe once again gained in popularity in the 1950s with several new translations and various articles about Poe. The peak followed in the 1960s with the publication of 20 new translations of Poe’s short stories by Jože Udovič and with Andrej Arko’s selection of Poe’s works published under the title Krokar (The Raven, 1985). Udovič’s translations not only set new standards in terms of quality but also introduced Slovenian readers to the previously less known part of Poe’s oeuvre, most notably so the detective story and the stories of ratiocination. Udovič also contributed to the volume a substantial and influential afterword, which later reverberated in many other critical texts on Poe in Slovenia. Even though almost no new translations appeared in subsequent decades, old ones nevertheless were reprinted several times. At the same time, Poe’s works became subject of several academic papers after the 1990s, including Slavoj Žižek’s in the collection of essays Ukradeni Poe (The Purloined Poe, 1990).


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