The Reception of Four American Novels and Their Slovenian Translations in the Context of Racist Ideology


  • Janko Trupej


American literature, ideology, racism, Stowe, Harriet Beecher, Uncle Tom's Cabin, Twain, Mark, Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, Mitchell, Margaret, Gone with the Wind, Steinbeck, John, Of Mice and Men, literary translation, Slovenian translations, literary reception


A comparison of the reception of Uncle Tom’s CabinGone with the WindAdventures of Huckleberry Finn and Of Mice and Men in the USA and in Slovenia showed substantial differences. While in the United States, the racist elements in these works were somewhat problematic even before the onset of the modern African-American Civil Rights Movement, the same cannot be said of the pre-World War II reception in Slovenia. This changed when a socialist regime was established after the War: racism became unacceptable (at least on the declarative level) and was frequently condemned by Slovenian literary critics. The most severe criticism was characteristic for the first post-War years, when the relations between Yugoslavia (and Slovenia, as part of it) and the United States were extremely tense. However, after the Tito-Stalin split in 1948, Yugoslavia severed its ties with the USSR and other countries of the Eastern Bloc, and moved closer to the Western Bloc, which is also reflected in the writings on the novels in question: condemnations of racism in the United States and of American society in general became less frequent and severe than before. Even when after Stalin’s death the relations between Yugoslavia and the USSR gradually normalized and after Yugoslavia became one of the founders of the Non-aligned Movement (which opposed all forms of racism), the reception of the novels in question did not change substantially. The reception of the 1948 translation of Adventures of Huckleberry Finn and of the 1954 translation of Uncle Tom’s Cabin was probably also somewhat influenced by the shifts in the translations. In the former novel, racist manifestations were at times intensified, which may have led to more severe condemnations of American society, while in the latter novel, racist stereotypes were frequently softened, and therefore the racist characterization of African-American characters could not be condemned. It can thus be concluded that in some cases both the translation strategy for a particular work and the reception of this work were influenced by the contemporary socio-political situation in the target culture and by the relations between the cultures involved in the translation process.


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