Maxim the Greek as the Founder of Original Slavic Spiritual Poetry


  • Neža Zajc


literature and religion, spiritual poetry, Maxim the Greek, Orthodox theology, Byzantine hymnography, Slavonic tradition, liturgy, prayer


Maxim’s use of verses from Byzantine hymnography and homiletic traditions is very original in his theological works that act as a part of his vivid theological argumentation and could be understood as a valid introduction to the original Slavonic spiritual poetry in the European Renaissance. Indeed, Maxim created in the Slavic language an exact equivalent of the oldest patterns of Christian liturgy, as might be found in Greek liturgical manuscripts from the ninth century on, because he polished the Old Church Slavonic liturgical language to such a level that it could serve him as an analogous and parallel voice to the Greek. By implicitly but constantly underlining the holiness of the Mother of God, Maxim the Greek combined the iconographical, hagiographical and liturgical sources of Christian knowledge that completed his Orthodox theological system with a significant harmonic argumentation, marked also with a profoundly humane pathos. His theological writings were significantly marked with a poetic effect and the late Byzantine (Constantinople) and Athonite liturgical tradition as well as his special consideration of the Holy Scripture could be understood as the most important evidence of Maxim’s spiritual inspiration.



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