Two Princes, Two Cities: The Motif of Kenosis in the Works of Hölderlin and Dostoyevsky


  • Milosav Gudović


literature and religion, Hölderlin, Friderich, Dostoyevsky, Fyodor Mikhailovich, Holbein, Hans, poetic image, Jesus Christ, kenosis


This article is dedicated to the group of religious-philosophical motifs of Hölderlin’s late hymn, “Celebration of Peace”, the center of which belongs to the character of Christ as “the prince of the festival”. We arrive at a possible explanation of this poetic image by comparative reading of Dostoyevsky. To Lev Nikolaevich Myshkin, the main character of the novel The Idiot, the author assigned the role of a prince as well. To the external and accidental kinship of these two artistic figures, which originated in different literary and intellectual frameworks, our interpretation attaches an essential characteristic in common: a literary conceptualization of the kenotic act of God and (hu)man. We took the term “two cities” from Sergei Bulgakov’s book of the same name (Dva grada).


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