Orpheus pro quolibet sapiente et eloquente: Side Paths in Medieval Interpretations of the Myth of the Humanization of Mankind


  • Sonja Weiss


Medieval literature, ancient mythology, interpretation, Ovid, Orpheus, Eurydice, allegory, humanization


The figure of Orpheus in sample medieval texts, in which the interpreters of the myth focused on two of its most widespread themes (Orpheus’ and Eurydice’s love story and the singer’s influence over Nature), is presented in the context of human cultural history and spiritual development. In all these interpretations, the singer-poet is undoubtedly regarded as bearer or even founder of culture and civilization. Moreover, his association with Christ had given him distinct messianic characteristics. However, the relations of the Orpheus Myth to Dionysian rites, as well as to the cult of Apollo, have given an ambivalent character to the mythical hero, which had already puzzled ancient mythographers and interpreters. The conflict concerning his role of the bearer of civilization continues to reappear with later authors, particularly in the interpretations regarding the Orpheus-Eurydice relationship, the allegorical meaning of both figures and the dubious success of the poet’s descent into the underworld.


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