Vergerio the Younger and Primož Trubar: The Beginnings of Slovenian Literature Between Latin Humanism and the Reformation


  • Marko Marinčič


Slovenia, cultural history, Latin humanism, Reformation, Trubar, Primož, Vergerio, Pier Paolo the Younger, Bible, Slovene translation


In the introduction to his translation of the Gospels and the Acts of the Apostles into Slovenian (1557), the Protestant reformer Primož Trubar paid reverence to Pier Paolo Vergerio the Younger. Vergerio was once a leading politician of the Catholic Church and now an ideologue of the Reformation, as the individual who was, “besides God, the most important instigator” of his work. Despite this declaration, the contribution of Vergerio to the emergence of first translations of the Bible into Slovenian is often downplayed in older histories of literature and in textbooks, which tend to idolize Trubar’s native literary talents. This paper shows that while one should not exaggerate the extent of Trubar’s humanistic education, Vergerio’s spiritual biography provides an internationally relevant intellectual context for his translatory work. Vergerio developed from a traditional humanist who supported Andreas Divus’ Latin translation of Homer and scorned Luther for his bad Latin to a militant reformer who, nevertheless, acquiesced to foster and supervise translations of the New Testament from Erasmus and Luther rather than from the original. Also, Vergerio never abandoned the idea of constructing a new common literary language of the Slovenians and Dalmatian Croats based upon Latin (instead of Glagolitic) script. This purely theoretical project was a pragmatic compromise between the Pan-Slavism of the humanists (e.g., Pribojević) and Trubar’s extreme pragmatism that, among other things, tolerated colloquial Germanisms typical of the Ljubljana dialect. The project was visionary insofar as it anticipated not only the anti-German purism of later literary Slovenian but also the 19th-century utopias of Illyrian as a universal language of those South Slavs who used the Latin script.


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