A Fragment from Latin Humanist Literary Production in Slovenia: Sigismund von Herberstein’s Autobiography Gratae posteritati
cultural history, Slovenia, humanism, humanist literature, Herberstein, Sigismund von, autobiography, panegyrical poetry, Latin languageAbstract
Humanism in Slovenia is difficult and in some aspects under-researched topic; and the same goes for Latin literary production in Slovenia. Among humanistic writers from the period, which originate from the territory of modern Slovenia, the most well-known became the one formally less educated than the majority of humanists. Yet Sigismund von Herberstein was talented and capable. Because of his career and nobility, he had political connections and a widespread network of acquaintances all over Europe. This article presents Herberstein’s book less renowned than his Notes on Muscovite Affairs, namely the third edition of his Latin biography Gratae posteritati, To Beloved Posterity, published in 1560. This was one of Herberstein’s many autobiographies, a work of expressively laudatory and self-promotional character. However, it has many distinctions and typically humanistic characteristics; because of its tenor and its stylistic distinctions it can be ranked as the second after Herberstein’s most important work, his Notes on Muscovite Affairs. To Beloved Posterity is not a product of one single writer. As many as 26 different authors contributed their texts, most of them poets closely linked to Herberstein. Some of them were acknowledged and awarded poets, poetae laureati, and all of them were humanists and intellectuals, including members of the European intellectual elite.References
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