Two East Slavic Literary Testimonies on the Council of Florence and the Slovenian Territory


  • Simon Malmenvall


literature and history, Muscovy, Russian literature, fifteenth century, Isidor’s Council, Journey to Florence, Council of Florence, Eastern orthodoxy, unionism, Slovenian territory


The present article is based on a literary historical contextualization of the two East Slavic narrative texts from the mid-fifteenth century concerning the Council of Florence (1438–1439): the polemical treatise Isidor’s Council and the travel diary Journey to Florence. The author of this article claims that the two aforementioned texts are crucial in understanding the attitude of the elite of the late middle-ages Muscovy towards Europe and the Catholic Church. Regarding the Isidor’s Council, one of its most important features that should be paid special attention to is its “anti-Latin” polemical tone which decisively influenced the later Eastern Slavic perception of the question of unionism. As far as the anonymous Journey is concerned, two aspects should be pointed out: 1) this represents the first Eastern Slavic travel diary dedicated to the chosen economical and cultural characteristics of the Catholic Europe; 2) this diary is indirectly relevant also for the Slovenian history due to the fact that it explicitly mentions the term “slověn’ska zemlja” (словѣньска земля) which, according to some Slovenian (literary) historians, could correspond to the ancestors of the present-day Slovenes and represent one of the earliest implicit mentions of the Slovenians as a language community. Although the author of this article regards such an opinion as problematic, he recognizes the fact that the Journey places the wider area of the present-day Slovenian territory in a framework of the important European political and cultural currents of the late Middle Ages.


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